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Riga 1: Riga 1:
{| {{StileNav|white|2px|#C49E6B|linear-gradient(#C54841, #C54841 30px, #C54841)|3|''[[File:EarthBound Beginnings logo.png|100px|link=EarthBound Beginnings]]''}}
{| {{StileNav|white|2px|#FBF537|linear-gradient(#A68222, #FF1401 30px, #FF1401)|3|EBB|''[[EarthBound Beginnings]]''}}
! style="{{roundyleft|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Protagonisti
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Protagonisti
| style="{{roundyright|6px}};" bgcolor=white|{{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Ninten|[[File:EBB-Ninten.gif|link=Ninten]]|[[File:EBB-Ninten.png|link=Ninten]]}} [[Ninten]] • {{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Lloyd|[[File:EBB-Lloyd.gif|link=Lloyd]]|[[File:EBB-Lloyd.png|link=Lloyd]]}} [[Lloyd]] • {{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Ana|[[File:EBB-Ana.gif|link=Ana]]|[[File:EBB-Ana.png|link=Ana]]}} [[Ana]] • {{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Teddy|[[File:EBB-Teddy.gif|link=Teddy]]|[[File:EBB-Teddy.png|link=Teddy]]}} [[Teddy]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[File:Ninten_Sprite_-_EarthBound_Beginnings.png|link=Ninten]] [[Ninten]] • [[File:Lloyd Sprite.png|link=Lloyd]] [[Lloyd]] • [[File:Ana Sprite - EarthBound Beginnings.png|link=Ana]] [[Ana]] • [[File:Teddy sprite.png|link=Teddy]] [[Teddy]]
! style="{{roundytl|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Alleati
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Alleati
| style="{{roundytr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[EVE]] • [[Flying Man]] • [[Garrickson baby]] • [[George]] • [[Maria]] • [[Mimmie e Minnie]] • [[Mysterious Goods-Keeper]] • [[Mysterious Mimicker]] • [[Padre di Ninten]] • [[Pippi]] • [[Queen Mary]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[George]] • [[Maria]] • [[Mimmie and Minnie]] • [[Pippi]] • [[Queen Mary]] • [[Flying Men]] • [[Eve]]
! style="{{roundybl|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Altri personaggi
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Personaggi
| style="{{roundybr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[A. Goodman]] • [[Abbott]] • [[Able]] • [[Baker]] • [[Benevolent Old Man]] • [[Bla-Bla Gang]] • [[Buggerror Rosemary]] • [[Carol]] • [[Dragon]] • [[Forgotten Man]] • [[Genitori di Ana]] • {{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Giygas|<b>Giegue</b>|[[Giegue]] }} • [[Goldrich Duncan]] • [[Laura]] • [[Mick]] • [[Mrs. Lindgren]] • [[Mysterious Teacher]] • [[Old Sawbones Benny]] • [[Padre di Lloyd]] • [[Suzy]] • [[Tom Garrickson]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Mick]] • [[Mrs. Lindgren]] • [[A. Goodman]] • [[Abbott]] • [[Mysterious Goods-Keeper]] • [[Mysterious Mimicker]] • [[Benevolent Old Man]] • [[Forgotten Man]] • [[Goldrich Duncan]] • [[Old Sawbones Benny]] • [[Mysterious Teacher]] • [[Suzy]] • [[Buggerror Rosemary]] • [[Tom Garrickson]] • [[Garrickson baby]] • [[Lloyd's father]] • [[Bla-Bla Gang]] • [[Able]] • [[Baker]]
! style="{{roundytl|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Nemici
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Nemici
| style="{{roundytr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Alarm Ghost]] • [[Alligator]] • [[Armor]] • [[B.B. Gang]] • [[Bag Lady]] • [[Barbot]] • [[Bear]] • [[Big Foot]] • [[BigWoodoh]] • [[Bionic Bat]] • [[BionicCenti]] • [[BionicScorp]] • [[Bison]] • [[BlueStarman]] • [[Bomber]] • [[Buffalo]] • [[Centipede]] • [[Cerebrum]] • [[Cougar]] • [[Crocodile]] • [[Crow]] • [[Dadseyes]] • [[Dr.Distorto]] • [[Dust Ball]] • [[Eagle]] • [[Elephant]] • [[EnergyRobot]] • [[Fire Ball]] • [[Fly]] • [[Foureyes]] • [[Fugitive]] • [[Gabilan]] • [[Gang Zombie]] • [[Gargoyle]] • [[Ghost]] • [[Giga Borg]] • [[Gorilla]] • [[GrizzlyBear]] • [[Groucho]] • [[Hyena]] • [[Juana]] • [[Kelly]] • [[Lamp]] • [[LastStarman]] • [[Lil Saucer]] • [[Lone Wolf]] • [[Mad Car]] • [[Mad Truck]] • [[Magic Snail]] • [[ManiacTruck]] • [[Megaborg]] • [[Momseyes]] • [[Mook]] • [[Mr. Bat]] • [[Nancy]] • [[Nasty Zombie]] • [[Oh-Mook]] • [[Old Robot]] • [[Omega Borg]] • [[OmegaSaucer]] • [[Polar Bear]] • [[PseudoZombi]] • [[Psycho Car]] • [[Psycho Truck]] • [[Raeb Yddet]] • [[Rat]] • [[Rattlesnake]] • [[Red Snake]] • [[Rockoyle]] • [[Rope]] • [[Scorpion]] • [[Scrapper]] • [[Seagull]] • [[Shroudley]] • [[Silver Wolf]] • [[Skunk]] • [[Sky Yddet]] • [[Snake]] • [[Spider]] • [[Star Miner]] • [[Starman]] • [[Stray Dog]] • [[SuperEnergy]] • [[Tarantula]] • [[The Hippie]] • [[Tiger]] • [[Titanees]] • [[Titanian]] • [[Ullrich]] • [[UltraBarbot]] • [[Wally]] • [[Watcher]] • [[Wolf]] • [[Woodoh]] • [[Zombie]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Alarm Ghost]] • [[Alligator]] • [[Armor]] • [[B.B. Gang]] • [[Bag Lady]] • [[Barbot]] • [[Bear]] • [[Big Foot]] • [[BigWoodoh]] • [[Bionic Bat]] • [[BionicCenti]] • [[BionicScorp]] • [[Bison]] • [[BlueStarman]] • [[Bomber]] • [[Buffalo]] • [[Centipede]] • [[Cerebrum]] • [[Cougar]] • [[Crocodile]] • [[Crow]] • [[Dadseyes]] • [[Dr.Distorto]] • [[Dust Ball]] • [[Eagle]] • [[Elephant]] • [[EnergyRobot]] • [[Fire Ball]] • [[Fly]] • [[Foureyes]] • [[Fugitive]] • [[Gabilan]] • [[Gang Zombie]] • [[Gargoyle]] • [[Ghost]] • [[Giga Borg]] • [[Gorilla]] • [[GrizzlyBear]] • [[Groucho]] • [[Hyena]] • [[Juana]] • [[Kelly]] • [[Lamp]] • [[LastStarman]] • [[Lil Saucer]] • [[Lone Wolf]] • [[Mad Car]] • [[Mad Truck]] • [[Magic Snail]] • [[ManiacTruck]] • [[Megaborg]] • [[Momseyes]] • [[Mook]] • [[Mr. Bat]] • [[Nancy]] • [[Nasty Zombie]] • [[Oh-Mook]] • [[Old Robot]] • [[Omega Borg]] • [[OmegaSaucer]] • [[Polar Bear]] • [[PseudoZombi]] • [[Psycho Car]] • [[Psycho Truck]] • [[Raeb Yddet]] • [[Rat]] • [[Rattlesnake]] • [[Red Snake]] • [[Rockoyle]] • [[Rope]] • [[Scorpion]] • [[Scrapper]] • [[Seagull]] • [[Shroudley]] • [[Silver Wolf]] • [[Skunk]] • [[Sky Yddet]] • [[Snake]] • [[Spider]] • [[Star Miner]] • [[Starman]] • [[Stray Dog]] • [[SuperEnergy]] • [[Tarantula]] • [[The Hippie]] • [[Tiger]] • [[Titanees]] • [[Titanian]] • [[Ullrich]] • [[UltraBarbot]] • [[Wally]] • [[Watcher]] • [[Wolf]] • [[Woodoh]] • [[Zombie]]
! style="{{roundybl|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Boss
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" colspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Boss
| style="{{roundybr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|{{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Teddy|<b>B.B.'s Boss</b>|[[Teddy#Come nemico|B.B.'s Boss]] }} • [[Doll]] • [[Dragon]] • {{#ifeq: {{PAGENAME}}|Giygas|<b>Giegue</b>|[[Giegue#EarthBound Beginnings|Giegue]] }} • [[R7037]] • [[R7038]] • [[R7038XX]] • [[Starman Jr.]] • [[The Fish]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Doll]] • [[Dragon]] • [[Giygas|Giegue]] • [[R7037]] • [[R7038XX]] • [[R7038]] • [[Starman Jr.]] • [[Teddy|B.B.'s Boss]] • [[The Fish]]
! style="{{roundyleft|6px}};width:60px" rowspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Luoghi
! style="{{roundy|6px}};width:60px" rowspan=2 align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Luoghi
! align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|[[America]]
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|[[America]]
| style="{{roundytr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Canary Village]] • [[Choucream Zoo]] • [[Duncan's Factory]] • [[Ellay]] • [[Harbor]] • [[Live House]] • [[Look-Out Tower]] • [[Merrysville]] • [[Mislay Triangle]] • [[Mt. Itoi]] • [[Ninten's house]] • [[Podunk]] • [[Reindeer]] • [[Rosemary's house]] • [[Ruins of Desert]] • [[Snowman]] • [[Snowman Chateau]] • [[South Cemetery]] • [[Spookane]] • [[Swamp]] • [[Sweet's Little Factory]] • [[Twinkle Elementary School]] • [[Union Station]] • [[Youngtown]] • [[Yucca Desert]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Ninten's house]] • [[Podunk]] • [[South Cemetery]] • [[Canary Village]] • [[Choucream Zoo]] • [[Merrysville]] • [[Twinkle Elementary School]] • [[Sweet's Little Factory]] • [[Duncan's Factory]] • [[Union Station]] • [[Reindeer]] • [[Mislay Triangle]] • [[Snowman]] • [[Snowman Chateau]] • [[Spookane]] • [[Rosemary's house]] • [[Yucca Desert]] • [[Ruins of Desert]] • [[Youngtown]] • [[Swamp]] • [[Ellay]] • [[Live House]] • [[Look-Out Tower]] • [[Harbor]] • [[Mt. Itoi]]
! align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Sconosciuto
! style="{{roundy|6px}};" align=center bgcolor=#FFEBAF|Sconosciuto
| style="{{roundybr|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Magicant]] • [[Magicant Underground]] • [[Queen Mary's Castle]]
| style="{{roundy|6px}};" bgcolor=white|[[Magicant]] • [[Queen Mary's Castle]] • [[Magicant Underground]]
|}<noinclude>[[Categoria:Template di navigazione]]</noinclude>
[[Categoria:Template di navigazione]]</noinclude>
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